The Ins and Outs of Pickleball
How to Play Pickleball and the Official Rule Book
Probably the best way to learn to play Pickleball is to "just pick up a paddle, and get out there"!
However, for those who like to be a bit more prepared, watch a YouTube video or two. Just search YouTube for "How to Play Pickleball"
For the rules of pickleball, Pickleball Canada suggests the Global Pickleball Federation rulebook.
Here you will find the USAP Official Rule Book
What Level am I?

​Skill Levels in Pickleball
As you begin to play Pickleball, you will hear players talk about the "level" of their play and the level of other players. Always be a good sport and only concern yourself with your own level of play.
A players Level of Play is defined by their competency on the court.
Competency is comprised of the following components;
ball control
fast reflexes
good sportsmanship
and I am sure there are more.
Often, we use the descriptions Beginner, Recreational, Intermediate, Advanced and Competitive.
But when you enter tournaments or watch Pickleball on-line,
the use of numerical descriptors are used; 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0,,,6.0+
Listed below are links to three great references to further explain Levels & Ratings:
Pickleball Ontario's - Whats My Rating. https://pickleballontario.org/whats-my-rating/
Pickleball Canada's - Whats My Rating https://pickleballcanada.org/ratings/2-digit-ratings/
USAPA - Definition of Levels https://usapickleball.org/tournaments/tournament-player-ratings/player-skill-rating-definitions/
Pickleball Skill Levels https://www.evergreenpickleball.club/skill-levels
Pickleball Etiquette
Rule #1: Safe Ball Retrieval
Spotted a stray ball on your court? Before you test your arm strength and sling it across a couple of courts, stop right there! Throwing balls might seem like an efficient and quick way to return a ball, but it's kinda frowned upon, not to mention, it could end up hitting someone. Instead, finish the rally you're in, pick up the ball, look around for its owner (make eye contact, give a nod that you're sending it their way) and gently roll it back. See? Classy!
Rule #2: Call Out for Stray Balls
Not if, but when your ball goes rogue and finds its way to another court, you need to holler out a quick, 'Ball on the court!' to alert the players on that court. This prevents them from being confused by seeing two balls in their court. You also alert them about a stray ball, preventing them from accidentally stepping on and injuring themselves. Less confusion. Fewer injuries.
Rule #3: Understanding Paddle Placement
The paddle holder ritual can be a bit tricky for a newbie. It’s not a secret society, it's just a way that pickleball players to keep track of whose turn it is next. The system generally works with players placing their paddles on the holder and moving the 'next on court' indicator to the paddles. Newer players may sometimes forget to do this, or may not do it properly, messing up the turns. When visiting a pickleball court, always check out for the paddle holders, and book your spot on the court with your paddles. Easy, right? When in doubt, don't sweat it. Ask a regular. We're all here to have fun!
Sportsmanship in Pickleball
Sportsmanship is about being fair and generous to other players - prioritizing the shared experience rather than doing whatever it takes to win and disregarding those around you. It's at the foundational level of pickleball, and there are several unspoken rules of sportsmanship etiquette in the sport. The idea here is for all pickleball players to carry themselves well on the court to create a fun, enjoyable, and fair experience for all players.
Rule #4: Play with Everyone
Pickleball is designed to be a game for all! No exclusions based on skill, age, gender, or any other distinction you can imagine. Yes, you heard it right. So, even if you’re a pro at the sport, don’t shy away from mixing it up with players of various skill levels. Likewise, if you're a newbie, no need to fret - approach a pro and strike up a conversation and a game.
Suppose you’re new and prefer not to play with 4.0 players. In that case, you can play on the courts with players at a similar skill level - use the following to help you figure out your pickleball rating in 3 steps.
This also applies to physical advantages or disadvantages - if an opponent has a physical limitation, don’t exploit that. It’s not only distasteful but also an unspoken rule. This game started in a vacation house some 60 years ago and was designed by parents and young children to have fun together. Our courts welcome everyone - they always have.
Rule #5: When in Doubt, Play It Out
The heat of the match can sometimes lead to a little bit of uncertainty. Did the ball cross the line? Was it a foul? In these pickle-like (see what we did there?) situations, just give your opponent the benefit of the doubt. Remember, we’re here for a good time, not a long time (cue the George Strait tunes). So, don’t sweat the small stuff - you can also forgo faults from the opposing player if it’s an accident. Keep the game enjoyable and relaxed.
Rule #6: Call the Shots, Literally
Pickleball courts may be smaller than tennis courts, but hey, we still need to rely on each other’s judgment calls. If you're not sure whether your shot was a hit or miss, trust your opponent to make a fair call.
If you’re in the position to see your opponent's shots, you should also always make it a point to call the shot 'in' or 'out.' Remember, if in doubt, give the opposing players the benefit of the doubt and call it 'in.'
This is the other side of the coin above. If every player is in harmony with this fair approach to calling shots in pickleball, no player will be left at a disadvantage. So reciprocate the favor when you’re on the other side. The goal? Keep the game fair and square!
Rule #7: We All Make Mistakes
If you goofed up, own it. Faults are an inevitable part of the game. Yes, even if your toe is barely poking past the kitchen line while you volley, it’s a violation. Whether others raise the alarm or you’re the only one that sees it, champion integrity. This is pickleball, not World War III.
And remember, when you spot a fault, stay cool and point it out without causing a fuss. This prevents the game from becoming too intense, where players micro-analyze each other's plays. This simply removes the joy of a pickleball game - and nobody wants that.
Rule #8: Share the Court
More than 99% of pickleball is played outside of a tournament setting. In that spirit, it’s about having fun, socializing, and using competition as a means of doing so. So, while you're busy dinking and driving, remember to take breaks and share the court.
While you may be new to the sport, you’ll quickly realize and appreciate that every player loves to help others join in on the good times. It’s one of the reasons pickleball has grown so quickly.
But failing to make court time equitable will bring this party bus to a screeching halt, meaning new players can’t ever learn the game. There’s no room for court hoggers in this sport. Use your off-time to connect with fellow players. After all, who knows where you might find your next doubles partner.
Rule #9: Level the Playing Field
We all love a good dink rally, don’t we? Now, if you're a seasoned player dinking with a beginner, consider dialing down your level a bit to keep the game interesting for both sides of the net. And if you're the newbie in this situation, remember to thank the seasoned player for their sporting spirit. This is especially true in rec play.
In a tournament setting, you shouldn’t be in this situation since you’ll be categorized by skill level. If you do find yourself in this situation, it’s time to re-evaluate your ratings and skill levels - they’re most likely inaccurate.
Rule #10: The Friendly Game
In pickleball, we value sociability as much as the game itself. A simple greeting or a friendly farewell can go a long way in building a vibrant community. Remember, we’re here to enjoy the game and each other's company. No room for the sour flavors here. Why is this so important?
Building a sport around a culture of friendliness (even amidst a heated game) allows the sport to remain casual, fun, and most importantly - accessible. Most pickleball players just want to get a good workout, hang out with other players, and scratch a competitive itch. The key wording here is “scratch”, not “pulverize” a competitive itch. So there’s no need to be overly competitive here; you’re not aiming for a US Open title. And if you are, then you need to find partners and opponents with the same goals in mind.
In its most basic form, keeping the game friendly is as simple as walking up and introducing yourself when starting a new game. Offering up a handshake, fist bump, or tapping paddles before or after a game. Always be polite and thank them for the fun time ahead or behind you.
Rule #11: Mindful Celebrations
Scored a point? A fist pump or a paddle tap is a great way to celebrate. With a game that can often be tricky, a great rally in your favor deserves some recognition. There’s nothing wrong with doing so but show some decorum.
But leave the knee slides and 60-second screams in soccer. Over-the-top celebrations can come off as distasteful. And yes, if you score from a lucky net skim or a powerful shot, a simple apology is just the ticket rather than fist pumps and bumps.
Rule #12: Keep It Positive
Ladies and gentlemen, pickleball is a sport for you. That’s right, a sport for ladies and gentlemen. In keeping with this, there’s no room for trash talk or negative vibes. Plus, making the game unnecessarily harsh and competitive takes the gun out of the game and may not earn you good points with other players.
If you’re prone to John McEnroe tantrums, you’ll want to get that under control or take up tennis. So keep the atmosphere light and positive. Encourage all players and appreciate good shots.
Pickleball Court Etiquette
Playing pickleball is more than just knowing how to serve and volley. It's also about mastering the on and off-court dance that keeps the game rolling smoothly for everyone involved. To make sure you're in the know, we're serving up some more juicy etiquette tips that'll have you blending in like a pro, even if it’s your first day on the court.
Rule #13: Wait Before Crossing
Not to be confused with cross-court dinking, crossing the court is physically making your way across the courts. It’s a matter of timing. And we get it, we all have friends on the next court or a few courts down that you want to drop a surprise “hey there” on.
But here's the thing - good timing isn't just crucial for your backhand dink. It applies when you're strolling across courts, too. Nobody likes a game interrupted, so wait for a break in play, give a friendly nod or a wave to the players and then make your move. It's like waiting for the walk signal at a crosswalk - safer for everyone - or at least less frustrating.
Rule #14: Know the Court Rhythm
Being on a pickleball court is kind of like being at a concert. You gotta know when to take center stage and when to let others rock out. What does this mean exactly? Two things:
Stay alert to when it's your turn to play and be swift about it.
As your match ends, step off the court promptly so the next eager players can get their groove on.
After all, we're all here for the good vibes and fun times. Getting into this rhythm by being court aware is a quick way to make sure everyone's having the experience they're seeking.
Rule #15: Label Your Paddle
If you're the proud owner of a customized Paddletek paddle, then you can skip this rule - your paddle is already labeled with your name or custom colors. But for those without a personalized paddle, this is an important step to make sure your partner in crime (your paddle) remains yours.
Not only does labeling your paddle avoid any "Hey, that's my paddle!" mix-ups, but it also removes any question of who's on the court next. A simple initial on the grip or jewel will do the trick - the paddle's face and edge guard are both no-go zones for markings.
Rule #16: Keep Your Power Play in Check
We love a player with gusto. But remember, pickleball isn't about seeing who can swing the hardest. Overzealous play can result in injuries or interrupted games on the adjacent court - and also earn the notorious reputation of a banger, which is different than playing aggressively.
So, play it cool. Smashes and Ernes are thrilling, but not at the risk of a collision. When it comes to a choice between gaining a point or ensuring everyone's safety, always pick the latter.
With these nuggets of etiquette wisdom, you'll soon be more than just a newbie on the pickleball court. You'll be a part of a community that thrives on mutual respect and camaraderie.
Honing Your Skills: Staying Humble and Hungry in Pickleball
Pickleball will always keep you on your toes. Whether you're a newcomer or an old hat, there's always something new to learn, a technique to polish, a rule to better understand. Embrace the journey with these two must-know rules that teeter into etiquette territory.
Rule #17: Know the Game Like the Back of Your Paddle
Do you know what separates the rookies from the veterans? The nuanced dance they perform with the rules of the game. Beginners often fumble through, making mistakes that seasoned players wouldn't bat an eye at. The secret sauce to leveling up your game? Know your pickleball rules inside and out.
You don't have to be nose-deep in a rule book every day, but make sure you're clear on the do's and don’ts. Watching pickleball matches and observing how the rules work in real-time can be super insightful. You'll start to notice your game improve, and hey, your fellow players might even enjoy volleying with you more!
Rule #18: Stay in School
The beauty of pickleball lies in its nature of continual learning. Some have been playing for years, and some are just stepping onto the court. The key is to view each match, each point, and each opponent as a chance to learn and grow - this is all about remaining a student forever.
Had a rough game? Don't beat yourself up—use it as motivation to come back stronger. Playing against less experienced players? Be their cheerleader, not their critic. After all, we were all newbies once.​​​